How to Plan the Perfect Marriage Proposal Skip to main content

It seems like Cupid’s arrow has hit you so bad, and it’s time to make love stick!

The marriage proposal is the first step towards a great life you will share together. And to start your wedded bliss the right way, you have to nail the first step. 

Figuring out how to make this moment memorable and outstanding might be a daunting task, especially since many elements are involved starting from the ring arriving at the post-proposal party. 

But we’re here to help and have made it easy as one-two-three. In this article, we gathered the most beneficial tips to make your proposal unforgettable.

Select an outstanding location

Even though she will immediately zoom out and lose feeling about the surroundings when she sees you down on one knee, you should never underestimate the effect of a wisely picked proposal location. Your proposal location should be absolutely distinctive. Here’re our top picks.

Go romantic

If she’s a romantic kind of girl, you have to brainstorm all the places where you both have happy memories. For example, you can pop the question in the coffee shop where you had your first date, the beach where you had your first kiss, or even a romantic restaurant both of you like.

Blow her mind

If you’re looking for something extravagant, you have to go the extra mile. One of our favorite marriage proposals is hiring a skywriter. To get the best of the idea, hire a musical band to show up while you both are enjoying the outdoors suddenly. When the situation gets increasingly weird, the band surrounds you, and as she starts figuring out what’s happening around, the plane in the air officially announces the big question. 

Keep it intimate

Do you live with her in the same apartment and want to make a private and intimate proposal? A flower route never gets old. Decorate the way from your home’s front door to your room with flowers, rose petals, and candles. Get an expensive bottle of champagne and get ready to drink a toast to your new life as an engaged couple.  

However, the same idea could be implemented in a romantic restaurant if you don’t share an apartment. Book the whole spot to enjoy the utmost privacy, and don’t forget to ask the staff to play her favorite song.  

Shop for the engagement ring

Old Romans believed that a finger’s vein runs directly to the heart, and since a circle has no beginning and no end, your love will pour right into her heart forever. 

Until the time for the wedding band comes, the engagement ring will be decorating her hand. So, it’s better to be something worth bragging about.

Actually, an engagement ring shouldn’t cost an arm and a leg to be outstanding; it only has to match her style and preferences. So, do your homework and try to know her favorite ring style by observing her overall jewelry choices. Does she admire simplicity, or is she more into lavish pieces of jewelry? 

Keep that in mind and take a good look at the available rings in the jewelry stores near you. Suppose you had your heart set on one; never hesitate; it’s The Ring. 

Find an attractive ring box

No matter how breathtaking the engagement ring you purchased is, it will lose most of its beauty when placed in a cheap box. You can go for a wooden, vintage, or velvet ring box. The ring box should always be tidy and simple as it will be the ring’s house for the rest of your love life. 

Arrange with her loved ones

Planning everything about the proposal on your own would be very exhausting and time-consuming. If she notices something out of the ordinary, you will either be accused of cheating on her or she will find out what you’re cooking and ruin the surprise. So, it would be better if you let her family and loved ones know about the proposal to give you a hand in some preparations. Actually, they will be of great help, and at some stage or another, you will need them urgently.

Plan your speech

Even though you will not exchange vows yet, you must prepare a little speech to make. You absolutely shouldn’t write it down and memorize it as you will look silly and phony. Instead, prepare some ideas and memories to talk about, and get ready to elaborate on them spontaneously while kneeling on one knee. It must be a speech from the heart, so let it take the lead.  

Hire a professional photographer

Her warm smile and teary eyes while saying I do is an image that you will definitely want to keep alive in your memory forever. So, hiring a professional photographer is a must.

You have to do a comprehensive search online and look for the top-rated photographers. You can also ask your friends for a recommendation. However, in all scenarios, a meeting with the probable photographer is critical to make a decision on such a sensitive matter; make sure they’re talented enough by reviewing previous work samples and discussing their photography techniques. You must also ensure they match your and your future fiancée’s vibes.

Don’t forget the flowers

A ring and a flower bouquet are the perfect matches. And no girl would say no to a neatly-arranged bouquet. But since you want everything to be right up her street on such a memorable day, going for any kind of flowers isn’t an option. Observe the types and colors of flowers she uses to decorate her kitchen table or plants in her garden and decide accordingly. Meeting with an expert would greatly help as they suggest multiple bouquet designs.

Plan a post-proposal celebration

The celebratory mood you and your fiancée will be in after you’re finally engaged isn’t an ordinary occurrence and should be celebrated with your family and friends.

One more surprise wouldn’t hurt; arrange a surprising post-proposal party with her loved ones in a special place so you can all celebrate this delightful event; make it a family affair!

There’re many options for the post-proposal celebration. Here’re the most popular:


A bar could be a great choice for your pre-proposal celebration if your guest list is tight and you’re not planning to spend a fortune. Everyone will enjoy dancing and a drink; it will be a small intimate party. 


Most couples plan their post-proposal party in restaurants. And actually, it’s a wise option only if you both are more into a formal sit-down party. 

Event venue

If you plan an extravagant, one-of-a-kind proposal, a celebration in a bar or a restaurant might not be a good bet. Book a small elegant event venue, go big with guests and enjoy the utmost privacy. 

In a nutshell

Your lives after you propose will never stay the same as before; there’s a lifetime of happiness waiting for you both. So, make sure that this moment is as memorable as possible by following the tips mentioned above.

Good luck with the proposal, and congratulations in advance!

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